Covid-19 | Visit Guidelines
Customers, please take these safety precautions:
Wear a mask during your visit in the salon. We will provide disposable masks for anyone without one.
Wait outside until asked to come in.
Wash or sanitize hands on entry and exit to the salon. A hand sanitizing station has been added near the entrance.
Reschedule your appointment if you suspect you may have been exposed to the virus or feel any symptom.
Measures to practice social distancing and emergency tracking:
Appointments are required and must be registered for tracking purposes so if a positive COVID-19 case is reported others can be contacted.
Only customers receiving the service may enter the shop (except for a parent or guardian accompanying a minor).
Within the shop, a minimum of six feet (6’) distance between customers is required.
Cabellos staff will responsibly take these safety precautions:
Wear masks at all times.
Use of face shields for face to face services.
Disinfect tools after each use and no tool sharing.
Use of one clean or disposable apron per customer.
Wash hands before and after each customer.
Disinfecting procedures include the following measures:
Use of EPA agents registered and labeled as bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal as required by Miami-Dade County guidelines.
All soft surfaces touched by customers during services are cleaned after each client (such as couches and chairs).
All hard, non-porous surfaces such as the reception counter, computer keyboard, phones, door handles, light switches and point of sale equipment will be disinfected and cleaned multiple times a day.
“Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.”
Anthony J. D'Angelo